How Does Gamersaloon Know Who Won?

Many people are not sure if Gamersaloon is a legit site or some kind of scam. There can be many reasons for that, but one question that I often hear is, “How does Gamersaloon know who won?” If you don’t know how Gamersaloon works, I’m going to explain it briefly: you bet an amount of money on yourself, play against someone, they bet on themselves, and whoever wins gets the money. That’s essentially how it works, but if you want to know everything regarding Gamersaloon, check out this POST.

Now, back to the question. How does Gamersaloon know who won? Well, actually, it doesn’t. It works like this. When you finish your game, you need to come to the site and report the result. First, click “View details”. This will open the challenge that you have finished playing.

Then click “Report result”, and report yourself as the winner if you have won. It’s as simple as that.

I’m sure that many people will ask, “Can’t I just report myself as the winner even though I lost?” Well, you can, but you will probably not get away with it. You see, after the result has been reported, there are going to be two buttons: “Verify” and “Dispute”. If someone reports the wrong result, the other person can simply click “Dispute”, and after submitting a dispute and providing proof of their win (either a video or a picture of the result), they will get their win. Even if they don’t have proof, then it will be on you to provide the evidence of your win. So the only way to get away with it is if the other person doesn’t dispute the result or, for some reason, perhaps by mistake, verifies the wrong result.

I’ve been playing on Gamersaloon for years now, and every time someone tried to cheat, it was simple to resolve. If you have proof of your win and you send it to support, there simply isn’t a chance for you not to get your money. For gathering proof, you can record your games or simply take a picture of the result at the end of the game. Send your proof to this email:

That is how Gamersaloon knows who won. If you would like to see me dealing with someone who tried to cheat and how to fill out a dispute, I’ll leave you a video that you can check out. Happy gaming!

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